Top 10 Place to Run in Vancouver and Clark County

Vancouver Waterfront This list is in no particular order, but the Vancouver Waterfront seems to be the most reported favorite from runners and walkers alike. The waterfront path is great for short out-and-backs, much longer jaunts, and a beautiful view of the vast...

GLOBAL RUNNING DAY 2024: Runners are superheroes!

GLOBAL RUNNING DAY 2024: Runners are superheroes!

JOIN IN! IT'S FREE! IT'S A PARTY! Runners are superheroes and they don’t even know it! Join Foot Traffic and Downtown Portland partners on June 5th, 2024, as we recognize the superhero in all of us by gathering at our SW 3rd and Taylor location for a walk and run to...

How to run or walk hill repeats

Ever feel intimidated by running hills? Avoid them all together? Feel defeated when you find yourself tapped out half way up? We've got solutions! Hill repeats to the rescue! Running hills doesn't have to be your nemesis and can actually be the boost you have been...

Top 7 ways to motivate kids to start running!

GAMES, POINTERS, AND STRATEGIES FOR GETTING YOUNG ATHLETES HOOKED ON RUNNING! Author: Sean Rivers You know how it goes, parents. When you want your kids to sit still, it never happens. But when you want them to get moving, or more specifically, RUNNING, suddenly that...


DETAILS TO HELP YOU PLAN FOR RACE MORNING: Plan your nutrition a bit in advance. See below. Plan to get your fresh shoes or gear ASAP. You don't want to wear them the first time on race day a few days before to break them in is fine, but the longer the better. Pick up...

Top 5 Reasons (and solutions) for runner’s blisters!

One of the most simple elements of training can sometimes be the most painful and lead to the most disappointment. BLISTERS. I've seen blisters so bad at races that they have caused serious injuries just because it forced them to alter their stride for so long. Long...

Run It Local this June for Girls on the Run!

WATERFRONT GROUP RUNWEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 @ 7AM!Donations continue through month of June! Kicking off Global Running Day! FREE GROUP RUN, COFFEE & DONUTS Foot Traffic has always been the hub for all things running, which is why we are bringing together the top races...

Donate OLD shoes – Get $5 Off NEW Shoes!

Donate OLD Shoes...Get $5 off NEW Shoes! Got a closet full of old shoes? Then we've got some GREAT news for you -- we're taking shoe donations again! GET $5 OFF WHEN YOU DROP OFF SHOES IN STORE Donate OLD shoes, get NEW shoes! Mention this post and get $5 off your...

Say again?! How to pronounce SAW-CA-KNEE!

A quick video on how to pronounce Saucony!   Saucony has always been one of our favorite brands here at Foot Traffic. We often get asked, "how do you pronounce that brand, anyhow?" Well, here's a quick video of the common mispronunciations and the correct way! Click...

To waterproof or not…that is the question.

“The GORE-TEX® membrane has 9 billion pores per square inch, with each pore 20,000 times smaller than a water droplet. These tiny holes are too small for water and wind to pass through from the outside…. But these same pores are large enough for moisture vapor to pass through, so your body’s perspiration is able to escape and you don’t get clammy and uncomfortable,” according to GORE-TEX.

Still…Black Lives Matter

Time to stick together. Looting our store doesn't change where we stand I think the last thing many of you want to read or hear is another platitude regarding social justice and facing ingrained prejudice and racism in our country. In some weird way, the outpouring of...


One beautiful aspect of running and walking is its simplicity. Good socks and shoes and a good-fitting bra can take you a long way (add water bottles and a energy chews and you can go a long long way indeed!) There’s no need for a field or a court or a team of any kind. Just you and the open sidewalk.