Timing of Closures

Times are approximate

  • 7:40AM: Runners leave Daimler Truck HQ & travel up Going Ave., onto Greeley & Willamette Blvd.
  • 7am-11:15am: Greeley Ave. SOUTHBOUND ONLY is closed.
  • 7:00AM-11:00AM Willamette Blvd between Greeley and Rosa Parks is closed.
  • 7:00am-11:00AM: Willamette Blvd. SOUTHBOUND LANE ONLY is closed between Richmond Ave. and Rosa Parks.
  • 8:00am-10:30AM: Willamette Blvd. both directions are closed between Richmond Ave. and St. Johns Ave.
  • 8:00am-10:15AM: St. Johns Ave. from Willamette to Pier Park and N. James St. are closed in both directions.

No Parking Areas

  • In SECTION D, highlighted below (primarily the St. Johns area), there will be nearly 200 no parking signs posted 2 days prior to the race.
  • This is done per PBOT city requirements for safety so you can move your vehicle on race morning without pulling into pedestrians.
  • We hire a towing company to move any vehicles that are parked in those areas on race morning and they are instructed by the city to move the vehicle to the closest available spot.
  • To find your vehicle, you can simply call 503.823.0044.

Look for Blue ‘U’ Sections!

These police ‘bumps’ are to help you get through race course. Please do not drive on race course for the safety of your fellow citizens!

  • Police will help monitor these areas to get you to where you need to go. However, it may take up to 15 minutes to pass during peak times! Plan accordingly.
  • Please be patient as it can take upwards of 15 minutes to get through during PEAK pedestrian times.
  • We notify residents with streets signs and hand flyering the week prior to the race so you can make necessary adjustments.
  • If possible, we ask that you plan accordingly with your vehicle or rides in order to prevent any necessary crossing of the race course. We know that some appointments cannot be adjusted, so if you cannot adjust schedules, please park vehicles or instruct others that are driving you to remain on one side of the path if possible. If it is required to pass over the race course with a vehicle, please give yourself at least an additional 20-30 minutes that morning to wait for breaks in the flow to get through safely.
A street map labeled Holiday Half Marathon Course Map, Volunteer Map, 56 Volunteers needed, with areas indicated on the map

Charities and Thank You!

We really really really appreciate your patience. We know your time is valuable and we appreciate your understanding as thousands of your fellow citizens enjoy some outside time during one of the coldest times of the year.

This event also raises tens of thousands of dollars for local charities, non-profits, and our primary beneficiary, Leukemia Lymphoma Society. Thank you!